How to appoint an executor

. The nomination of an executor is essential to take possession of an inheritance in Thailand. All procedures.
Decorative law imageExectutor Nomination
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How to take possession of an inheritance in Thailand with the professional assistance of our Pattaya lawyer

Pattaya Estate Lawyer

Tel. 0621278812 - 0926921844


Line ID :  0621278812 - 0926921844


The Social Lawyers Co., Ltd. ~




Notarial Attorney


- Death certificate of the person deceased *
- a copy of his passport
- the address of the deceased
- title deeds of the deceased's properties
- bank books of the deceased
- family extract certificate 
- list of heirs
- written consentment of all legit heirs** 
- names of the parents of the deceased including the dates of their births      
 and of their decease. Possibly also indicate their last address.
- in case the deceased has made a will, you must present it.
- death certificate

All documents must be translated in Thai by a qualified or embassy-certified translation agency.

* If the deceased has passed away abroad (not in Thailand). the death certificate must be veryfied by the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by the embassy of the country of the deceased in Thailand or by a Royal Thai Embassy or Royal Thai Consulate in the country of origin.

** The consent  of all legit heirs must be given in writing and signed at the precence of a notary public or a consular authority.
Should all heirs be in Thailand the consent can be given in writing in Thai language and signed at the presence of a consuar authority, a notary public or two witnesses.

Inheritance in Thailand

The requirements
to take possession of an inheritance in Thailand is to obtain a nomination as "Executor" from the competent court and the declaration of "Final sentence". This document, can be requested only 30 days after the first sentence.
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Documentation required by the bank to acced the funds of a deceased (de cuius) as given to us by the Kasikorn (K Bank):

Required documents for claims on the estate of a deceased depositor; (On deposits of THB200,000 or more)

1. Copy of the death certificate*
2. Copy of the court order appointing the estate administrator
3. Copy of certificate of final judgment
Note: The certificate of final judgment can be requested from a court that has appointed an administrator for the estate. Typically in court procedures, this letter will be issued one month after the order to appoint an administrator; a time lag is generally set to confirm that no stakeholder has filed an objection to the appointment of an administrator over the estate.
4. Copy of the ID card or passport of the estate administrator
5. Copies of the deposit passbook(s) of the deceased depositor (if any)
6. Claim letter of deceased depositor’s heir(s) (to be prepared by KBank)
7. Cash Receipt (to be prepared by KBank)

**The provided documents can be translated into either Thai or English**

NOTE: All required document* must be certified by Notarial/Endorsing Agencies as follow;
1. Notary public in the country of which the deceased was a national or their Foreign Affairs Ministry (if they have no notary public)
2. Royal Thai Embassy or Royal Thai Consulate in that country
3. Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs

* actually the notary public or embassy certification is stricktly required by the court only for the death certificate  if the deceased has passed away abroad (not in Thailand) and the consentment of all legit heirs. The "lawyer appointment" can be confirmed by the postulant at the hearing and all other documents can be presented to the court in copies, provided that the originals will be shown to the court at the hearing.